1 min read

Four Reasons Why Burnaby Hearing Centre Depends on TIMS

Four Reasons Why Burnaby Hearing Centre Depends on TIMS

Burnaby Hearing Centre is an independent, community-oriented practice located in British Columbia, Canada. Their focus is on developing a strong, long-term client-provider relationship. In 2018, we interviewed the staff and learned how they depend on TIMS Software for their busy audiology practice.
Collective Patient Chart Notes and InformationSince Burnaby is so fast-paced, it's vital that they keep track of daily activities via chart notes. It gives them the communication and interaction they all need.New chart

Reporting—History types and reports are an excellent way to stay organized by setting follow-up reminders. They run reports when they need to gather information and create reports using our database for mailing lists right in TIMS.

Appointment Notifications—Not all patients can hear well on the phone, so receiving reminder calls can be difficult and may cause confusion and stress for them. Being able to choose whether to send an automated phone call, text message, or email directly from TIMS Software makes appointment notifications and confirmations simple for both the office and the clients.

Special Note: In the screenshot below, the grey fields would update to show if the notification was successfully sent or if any errors occurred.


Single Entry—When searching for an audiology software that would fit their needs, Burnaby wanted a system that gave them the ability to enter information just once. TIMS Software eliminated double entries which was a huge productivity improvement for the practice.

Last updated: October 20,2021.

Part 1: How to Add a Data Analyst to Your Staff Without Paying a Salary

Part 1: How to Add a Data Analyst to Your Staff Without Paying a Salary

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2 min read

Simplify Marketing to Your Patients, Quickly, and Easily!

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Unlocking Audiology Insights: The Power of Data and APIs within TIMS

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