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Generate Revenue With These Six Reports

Generate Revenue With These Six Reports

Just a small time investment of entering TIMS Software patient records can yield big returns in added income for your practice. TIMS has standardized reports on patient records to identify and create new sales opportunities using customizable letters, right within TIMS.

Marketing to your patients has never been this simple.

  1. Warranty Due – Expiring warranties offer two opportunities: to update the patient’s hearing technology and sell a new aid or an extended warranty. The Warranty Due letter is a great way to start that dialogue with your patients.
  2. Tested Not Sold – Easily identify patients who would benefit from hearing aids, but have not made a purchase as of yet. Use TIMS communication letters and mailing labels to follow up with patients tested, but not sold, and invite them in for a consultation.
  3. Annual Retest – Use an Annual Check-up letter to identify patients who have not been tested in a year and invite them to return for their annual checkup.
  4. Last Visit Recall Letter – Let your patients know they are highly valued. Use the TIMS communication letters and mailing labels to reach out with a special offer for return business to patients with no account activity in over six months to a year.

  5. Battery Club – Battery sales are a small recurring income but more importantly, serve as a key reminder for patients to keep your practice in mind for follow-up appointments and new hearing aid purchases. Monthly Battery Club mailings bring patients up to date on hearing care information and issue reminders when batteries are about to expire. TIMS Battery Club Reports also include form letters and labels for prospective battery club new sales.   

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  6. Communication Record Report – Track prospective patient inquiry calls by offering to mail out a packet with your practice information included. The Communication Record Report enables you to turn casual inquiries into new patients with three easy steps.
  • Enter each caller as a new patient.
  • Add a communication interaction to record date packet was issued.
  • Run the report to follow up on inquiries within two weeks and schedule an appointment, or use communications area to create and send out reminder letter.

PatientCommunictionCommunicationsReport Most patients need more than one follow-up reminder to make a decision. When generated on a regular schedule, TIMS standard reports make it easy to build and maintain a strong, enduring relationship with your patients. 

Want to learn more? Contact Donna to get started.

Last updated June 21st, 2023.

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