Does My Audiology Practice Need HL7?

If you are an audiology practice in a hospital setting or ENT environment, it's important that you understand how HL7 works and why it's vital to you.

Consider these important questions.

1.  What is an HL7 interface and who should consider it for their practice?hl7-logo-2021

The Health Level 7 (HL7) interface is a critical link for any hospital or Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) practice that is currently using an existing charting system. This data exchange system is designed to transfer clinical data through a standardized, electronic interface between Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems used in hospitals, ENT practices, and TIMS Audiology Software. 

2.  Can I keep using my primary EHR?

Yes. TIMS Software integrates with your hospital or university's EHR and gives you the tools you need specifically for your Audiology/SLP needs. No more re-keying patient data saves you and your staff valuable time, and resources, ultimately improving patient care.

3.  Does every audiology software integrate with HL7? 

No. TIMS is the only complete EHR audiology software that gives you the integration capabilities to seamlessly connect with your hospital EHR system.

4.  Can I easily integrate patient data from our hospital or ENT practice’s EHR system into TIMS            Software?

Yes. By using TIMS HL7 Interface with your EHR, you’ll have the ability to make appointments in your own system and seamlessly integrate patient demographics and appointment records directly into TIMS ensuring consistent patient data.

5.  Does TIMS give me full integration with my EHR?

Yes. Your outcome data, such as audiometric results, point-of-sale, and claims information, can be synced back to your host EHR for review by the clinician, accounting, or claims management.

Get all of the facts and the additional benefits. Click below to download a PDF of the Complete TIMS HL7 Factsheet or Channel Descriptions.

Last updated 06-21-2023.

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