1 min read

Double entry issues with HL7 & your EHR system? Look to TIMS Software.

Double entry issues with HL7 & your EHR system? Look to TIMS Software.

If you are an audiology practice, in a hospital setting or ENT environment, take a look at the combination of TIMS and HL7. This combo can significantly change how you work, specifically how much more efficiently you can work.

In technical terms, Health Level 7, (HL7) is a document exchange standard for transferring clinical data. What that means is, if you are using an existing charting system, this interface is your critical link; providing a standardized electronic interface between TIMS Software and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) systems used at ENT practices and hospitals.

HL7 lets you electronically integrate patient data and appointment information, eliminating the need to manually re-key patient-related information into TIMS. Using this process gives your organization more control in leveraging data and the ability to re-use data for various means; such as patient communications, medical charts, or marketing.

With the HL7 interface, a doctor or ENT practice can make an appointment for their patient in their own hospital EHR system, that appointment then becomes available in TIMS for the audiologist or hearing aid dispenser. Audiogram results can then be pulled into a customized report to be sent back to the patient's file in the main EHR system.

With a streamlined HL7 process in place, your organization as a whole can realize substantial cost savings by eliminating the double entry of clinical data, creating a tremendous reduction in data errors, which is vital to any successful medical practice.

  • TIMS Audiology & SLP software provides the integration capabilities you need to seamlessly connect with your existing EHR and gives you all the tools you need specifically for your practice.
  • No more re-keying patient data saves you and your staff valuable time and resources and ultimately improves patient care.
  • Make appointments in your system and seamlessly integrate patient demographics and appointment records directly into TIMS, ensuring consistent patient data.
  • Your outcome data, such as audiometric results, point-of-sale, and claims information, can be synced back to your host EHR for review by the clinician, accounting department, or claims management.

To learn more about the HL7 interface and how it can benefit your organization, click below to download the TIMS HL7 Factsheet/Channel Descriptions or request a demo.


Last updated 01.17.24

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