Reporting & Dashboards = Big Picture Summaries

Measure & Monitor Business Performance

In today's fast-paced business world, it is crucial to have access to accurate and comprehensive data that can help you make informed decisions. That's where TIMS® comes in. TIMS offers a full suite of standard reports that provide valuable insights into your everyday business activities. But it doesn't stop there. TIMS also offers powerful data analysis reports and dashboards that give you a big-picture summary of your business performance, with the ability to drill down for even greater insight.

With TIMS, you can easily view key business information such as sales, appointments, marketing efforts, claims, warranty information, and customer recall activity. This allows you to clearly understand how your business is performing and identify areas for improvement. But it doesn't end with just viewing the data. TIMS also enables you to set Key Performance Indicator (KPI) goals and track your progress toward those benchmarks. This helps you stay focused on achieving your business objectives and ensures that you are constantly striving for improvement.

TIMS reporting and business insights are extensive and cover a wide range of areas. You can access reports on appointments, giving you valuable information on your scheduling and availability. You can also track your claim revenue and rejections, allowing you to identify any potential issues and take necessary actions to maximize your revenue. TIMS even provides a comprehensive hearing aid history report, which is especially beneficial for businesses in the audiology industry. Additionally, you can access management overviews that give you a holistic view of your business performance, patient records, and activities for effective patient management, and even integrate with POS and QuickBooks for seamless financial management. Lastly, TIMS allows you to track your referral sources, helping you identify which channels are driving the most business and enabling you to focus your marketing efforts accordingly.

In conclusion, TIMS is not just a software solution for managing your business activities but also a powerful tool for measuring and monitoring your business performance. With its extensive suite of standard reports, data analysis capabilities, and intuitive dashboards, TIMS provides you with the insights you need to make informed decisions and drive your business forward. So, why settle for guesswork when you can have accurate and actionable data at your fingertips? Choose TIMS and take your business to new heights.

Learn more about generating revenue with these six reports.

Last updated 6.29.23

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