1 min read

Sort, Shuffle, Shred, & Repeat?

Sort, Shuffle, Shred, & Repeat?

How TIMS Software Can Help You DECLUTTER Your Office in a Monumental Way.  Investigate How TIMS EHR (Electronic Health Records)                    System Can Purge the Paper!

Are you overwhelmed by the volume of paper files you will have to scan, separate, and organize to become paperless? 

Read on, we can help with all these questions…..

TIMS Software has multiple ways to HELP you convert to an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. Such as, with our advanced scanning system, you will be able to scan an entire patient file and designate each page into the correct location of an electronic version of your patient’s file. One scan and DONE!

I know, I know, with the patient list you have, this still is a large process. As it is with any part of our lives we need to take back control. Once your implementation is completed, you can quickly record hearing aid information, run reports, print statements, and electronically submit claims, saving you time and money. 

Simplify your office by converting to an EHR system, making your office more productive and freeing you from paper file storage.

We make it easy to maintain important patient records and related information in an electronic format. Maintain NOAH audiograms, chart notes, diagnostic reports, scheduling, appointment history, patient pictures, and more. TIMS provides the necessary tools to quickly and efficiently capture important patient information. 

If paperwork is overwhelming your day-to-day processes, we can help!  Electronic medical records are far safer and more secure than paper charts. Save your staff hours of needless labor, (and paper) so they can spend more time on important things, like your patients. 

Go paperless using TIMS Software for hearing practice management. Eliminate storage space costs, increase customer service response, and conveniently access forms securely and on-demand from any workstation.

Call Donna today to ACTIVATE your resolution to move forward with your practice, take back your time, and simplify your life!

Updated: 12/9/22

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