Accounts Receivable & Collections

The right people, working the right claim, at the right time.
  • Auto-post ERNs from your clearinghouse or lockbox
  • Setup denial work queues and ensure your A/R team is working on priority claims first
  • Keep your email inbox clear and define adjustment approval limits for managers to review in TIMS
  • Monitor and report on adjustments by amount, age, user, batch and/or assignment
  • Build your current collections processes into worklists that are tracked and logged
  • Have all the patient account, EOB and history information at your fingertips
  • Define actions that need to trigger a follow up task
  • Resubmit claims, send redetermination letters or payer-specific appeal forms directly from TIMS. No more duplicate entries
  • Print hardcopy claims on demand to transfer or write off A/R
  • Note items of work, assign, reassign or determine follow up dates to keep your staff on track
  • Give staff the ability to make notes or send emails to other staff or groups. All communications for a patient account are kept in TIMS
  • Customize views that are customer centric and have all pertinent information at your fingertips

TIMS Software for HME Providers

Streamline and integrate your business processes

Our goal is to get you paid faster by providing a one-source software that takes your revenue cycle management from beginning to end, and makes it smarter.

If you want total business management software that you can customize for your business processes, download this guide.

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