Convenience. Accuracy. Insight.

Business budgets and P&L are easily handled in TIMS General Ledger, while TIMS Accounts Payable makes sure vendors are paid on time. Your data is fully exportable to Excel®, Power BI® or Report Writer®, and as an option, can be exported to 3rd party financial systems. With TIMS Business Intelligence & Financials, all of your data is accessible to you, all of the time.
  • Analyze financial trends, create budgets and generate reports on demand
  • Use drag-and-drop functions to add General Ledger numbers to desired statement groups
  • Manage an unlimited number of reports to aid in quarterly or year-end tax reporting and filing
  • Setup an interface to ADP payroll services to avoid manual entry errors
  • Use the Accounts Payable module to setup and pay vendors by check, credit card, electronic fund transfer (EFT), or automated clearing house (ACH)
  • Reconcile vendor invoices to New Payables and post transactions in a daily batch
  • Access 100% of your data all the time
  • Use Microsoft SQL® to create and share professional reports using Report Builder
  • Start creating reports by using one of our pre-built configurations available in the library. Modify any report for your own needs
  • Automate the scheduling and distribution of reports to employees and/or customers
  • Visualize data on customizable and interactive dashboards that track your KPIs
  • Drill down into data from a dashboard to perform ad hoc research

TIMS Software for HME Providers

Streamline and integrate your business processes

Our goal is to get you paid faster by providing a one-source software that takes your revenue cycle management from beginning to end, and makes it smarter.

If you want total business management software that you can customize for your business processes, download this guide.

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