As Robert explains:
"TIMS Assistant, our mobile product for sales, gives staff the ability to create and track prospects right from the smartphone application. As the prospect information is recorded in TIMS Assistant, worked and moved through the process, that information continues to automatically upload into TIMS Sales Pipeline Manager. This gives both the salesperson and their supervisor, complete transparency. Both can see how much new business has been created, new prospect interactions, and workflows."
"Once the prospect becomes a customer, they can track and compare projected v's actual spending. In Sales Pipeline Manager, sales staff are tied to their own prospects and customers by their sales number. Managers then have the ability to see all of the sales staff assigned to them. Since TIMS Assistant and TIMS Sales Pipeline Manager are integrated, there's no need to purchase an expensive additional CRM product."
Robert went on to say:
"In addition, we'll discuss End of Life for the old handheld devices that aren't supported by their manufacturers any longer. We'll share how TIMS Assistant, TIMS Delivery, TIMS Plant, and TIMS Warehouse replace those outdated models with smartphones and tablets and how we can assist you in moving forward."