Computers Unlimited (CU) is excited to announce new product innovations powered by Microsoft® Azure to help distributors streamline bulk tank forecasting and replenishment, boost driver productivity, and lower delivery costs by integrating telemetry data from Anova, Wise Telemetry, and now CylConnect.
"Integrating bulk tank telemetry data with TIMS Software is a key part of CU's strategy to provide distributors with a complete end-to-end bulk gas management solution." David Schaer
Connect with the Cloud
Using the power of the cloud, real-time telemetry readings from Anova, Wise Telemetry, and now CylConnect are captured and recorded in TIMS Bulk Gas Manager. TIMS Bulk Gas Manager analyzes tank readings, then creates bulk delivery orders based upon reordering points, resupply dates, usage rates, and a variety of other forecasting methods.
Scheduling & Logistics
Whether your delivery operations are straightforward or complex, TIMS offers multiple ways to schedule and optimize bulk gas deliveries that will streamline delivery operations, reduce delivery costs, maximize fill rates, and boost driver productivity.
Simplify Bulk Gas Deliveries with a Smartphone
Once bulk orders have been scheduled and optimized, drivers can use the TIMS Delivery smartphone app to process bulk gas orders at the point of delivery including auto-invoicing and credit card processing to eliminate back office labor costs. For added flexibility, budget billing is available for customers who require stable payment plans.
Delivery Status
As an added benefit, bulk gas order transaction details and statuses are updated in TIMS Software seconds after each delivery is made. This is a win for everyone. Customer service reps can quickly answer customer delivery status questions. Dispatchers can re-balance individual truck schedules on the fly, or transmit new orders to individual TIMS Delivery smartphones throughout the day to service additional customers and maximize driver productivity.
What Our Customers Are Saying:
"We deliver all our own bulk gas and TIMS Bulk Gas Manager allows our schedulers to see, manage, and schedule bulk orders in the same software that they use everyday."
"We recently went live with the TIMS Bulk Gas Manager and TIMS Delivery. The bottom-line results have been amazing—routing and scheduling efficiencies reduced weekly deliveries by 20% which translates into over $150K in annual delivery cost savings."
Are you ready to unify your bulk gas business? Contact CU for a free consultation.
David Schaer
President, Computers Unlimited