Vendor Versus Partner-Choosing Software for Gas & Welding

 The Road to Success Begins with Vision

Because your software is a vital part of your business, using a regular vendor may not be the best route to take. A vendor can certainly deliver a product or service, but consider where this road takes you, and if you'll end up where you need to be. When you operate with solid, integrated tools from a trusted partner, you, your staff, and your customers reap the rewards.

Valuable Partners

According to a recent survey from Aberdeen and PJA Advertising, the most important factor in a B2B buyer's decision was whether their business goals are supported and whether the seller in question could sharpen their competitive edge. Other important issues included providing possible avenues for revenue and whether the supplier has a long-term technology vision.  

TIMS Software will support your business objectives now and in the future.

Make certain your software will support your business objectives now and in the future.


A vendor is not concerned with making your job more efficient, they are simply delivering a product. On the other hand, the right partner has the ability to change and grow as you do. You may have one or two stores today, but look down the road a few years, you may have six. Or maybe you gained a substantial customer; your system has to be flexible enough to accommodate this growth. The software system you invest in today must be equipped to carry your business for years to come. Its efficiencies should increase your business by increasing your customers' trust in your effectiveness to provide services to them and at the same time, it's highly possible to decrease your staff because your processes are so much more efficient.  An innovative software specifically designed for the gas and welding industry provides that much speed and agility to get work done.

Go Mobile

Supersize your software system with mobile. TIMS Assistant is a power tool for your sales staff, an office-on-the-go app that runs on iOS and Android smart mobile devices. It is designed to mobilize sales efforts by providing real-time access to essential customer and prospect information, inventory, contract pricing and availability, plus the ability to create orders and accept payments out in the field. Completely integrated with TIMS, this tool is a must-have.

The Trust Factor

Your customers should be able to trust in the fact that you are providing the best service possible to ensure customer satisfaction and increase their positive perception of you—it's what keeps them buying your products. The right software partnership provides the one thing that is key: trust. Trusting that your software company has your needs in mind, from implementation through to support, to the analytics you need to be successful and the innovations that will grow with you.


 Make Your Software Choice Count