A Resolution to Your Delivery Problems - Part 2

Doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results is, as we all have heard before, the definition of insanity.

In Part 1 of this TIMS Series, we talked about your delivery problems. This week, we are offering you some information for...

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Helget Gas — Investing in Their People by Investing in Technology (circa. 2018)

For this interview we spoke with Linda Fette, Vice President of Helget Gas, about methods they've incorporated to help their people succeed.

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Advances to Ecommerce Give Your Customers a Better Buying Experience

Marlene, TIMS Software Quality Analyst, works together with Jim, TIMS Software Programmer Analyst, to develop our eCommerce product. Here's what they had to say during an interview. 

Marlene, could you tell me about the new metrics that let users...

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TIMS Contract Campaign Manager—Got a minute? Because that's all it takes.

With TIMS Contract Campaign Manager, the mundane, time-wasting task of manually changing customer contracts is over.  

Here's a look at a few things about TIMS Contract Campaign Manager you'll want to see for yourself.
  • Watch a live demo of TIMS ...
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Sneak A Peek at CIFR & Bulk Gas Manager

Your business does a lot of tracking, in fact, it depends on it. Find out the latest advancements to TIMS Bulk Gas Manager to track and manage all of your bulk gases and TIMS CIFR, the new way to track Cylinder Plant Production.

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Introducing the Smartphone App for Truck Deliveries

The World is Connected, and So is TIMS

Our goal is to keep your business running at optimal levels and to do that, you need to be mobile with real-time, quick as a 'click' delivery. TIMS Delivery lets you route it, load it, deliver it, and get paid...

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