Front-end processing is an integral facet of your HME business. As a result, HME companies seek a software solution that enhances efficiency and maximizes profits. TIMS Software will guide you through the front-end process as you look to eliminate the hassle and cost of overseeing multiple systems to manage your business.
TIMS Patient Intake is used to create patient records, generate forms, and contains elements necessary to manage the process of medical intake. TIMS Patient Intake provides an effective and simple interface as it gives you a way to easily manage your patient workflow. Also, worklists of all open intakes/orders remain visible and available at your fingertips. Users will no longer have to work from a paper format since visibility of one's work is displayed to key members of your team.
Inbound Document Routing
TIMS Inbound Document Routing (IDR) eliminates the paperwork and increases procedural performance by allowing users to process incoming documents in an efficient, timely manner. Celebrate the elimination of manually scanning documents as you rediscover the convenience the TIMS Imaging database provides. IDR automatically captures and associates clinical records to the patient order. Plus, incoming faxes are brought directly into the TIMS database and queued up in a worklist. Users exclusively work within TIMS and excuse the need to visit a fax machine.
Advanced Workflow
TIMS Software allows the creation of an unlimited amount of workflows to manage a series of user-defined work states and tasks with TIMS Advanced Workflow. Managers are able to assign an individual or group to complete a specific task. And, you can build your standard operating procedures in the system to ensure that every step of the process is followed. Doing so sets up users to follow company-specific, standard processes for product lines or payers.