HME Providers Can Cultivate New Markets By Tapping Into Claims And Patient Data

There's Gold in Your Claims and Patient Data

In 2018, Doug Iversen, Sales and Marketing Director, Retired, for Computers Unlimited/TIMS Software, participated in an article posted by The article explores how providers can cultivate new markets, grow their business, and provide better service by tapping into claims and patient data.

When asked about the data HME Providers should be collecting, Iversen had this to say, "Patients, like consumers, are generally willing to pay for incremental value. Identify, then stratify, the customers who are willing to spend more than the claim will pay. Quickly identifying the type of consumer who will pay for enhanced products and services will be key because if you don’t offer choices or what they expect, they can go somewhere else quickly."

Ryan Ball, director of VGM Market Data, went on to remind readers that successful data marketing is based on knowing customers’ preferred mode of communication and specific patient contact information, such as email, phone and address, and patient demographic information, such as date of birth and last date of purchase.

Ball continued to explain, “This should all be part of the patient intake process,” he explains. “As long as you have provided a Medicare-approved product to the patient within the last 18 months, you can freely communicate with that patient about additional products; however, obtaining a specific release from the patient is also a good idea.”

Read the full article on Harvesting Claims and Patient Data

Posted by . Modified 2022-05-02.