Referral Management is Your Bread and Butter

Back in the day, when HME providers needed documentation, gathering necessary supporting documents was a very manual process. Providers would have to physically request the clinical forms from the physician, wait to receive them back in the mail, manually sort the papers once they arrived...and try to not lose any in the process. Then, there was the task of scanning those documents into the system and indexing them to the patient’s order.

The process was nothing short of cumbersome and inefficient. Not to mention, what would happen if an audit occurred and documents were missing?

Become more efficient and paperless-with every new referral document that you receive.

1. Standardize your order intake process

Swiftly create your Patient Intake and assign a customer service representative to that intake. Automatically image clinical records to the patient's account and eliminate extra steps - like manually scanning documents and assigning work. If you using TIMS Task System, you can easily create and assign tasks, so records can be completed. All while, the inbound document becomes part of the patient's electronic medical record. 

2. Communication with Referral Sources

Create customized communication letters, so you can easily notify your referral source that an inbound document has been received, that the intake has ben created, or request additional information needed. Quickly turn your referrals into properly qualified orders resulting in a payable claim. 

3. Referral Management is your Bread and Butter.

Clinical documentation is directly related to your revenue stream—so make sure you maintain visibility of when those requested papers arrive. Receiving your documents electronically with TIMS not only gives you that visibility, it also helps you store documents electronically against the patient order so that you get paid. And, in the event of a claim denial—or even an audit—finding the requested patient material will be critical to expedited payment, reducing your DSO and keeping your money.

Interested in more about Referral Management? 

Contact me for a tailored demo of TIMS.    Gail Turner HME System Sales

Last updated January 26th, 2021.