Is improper documentation keeping you from collecting revenue that is owed to you? Do you suspect industry peers are experiencing higher profitability by reducing denials and compliance audits by managing their patient documents more effectively? If so, TIMS can help.
TIMS Document Management provides the means for an HME/DME provider to build and manage form templates as well as define insurance documentation billing rules on a payer by payer basis for each product line they service. This allows the sites to set up and adjust what is needed to being in and remain in compliance with insurance payers as it relates to claims billing and reimbursement.
TIMS is always improving how work is moved through the system and seeks to maximize reimbursement in the shortest amount time possible. Setting the foundation for your documentation compliance rules by payer and by HCPCS; TIMS is giving you the tools and resources to stay compliant and keep your held revenue down without reliance on workforce "tribal knowledge."
All-In-One System
There was a time when CSRs were required to step outside of the system to perform intake and billing. Some users may be used to typing up a document in Microsoft Word®, then faxing the document, and finally monitoring the exchange history through an Excel® spreadsheet. With TIMS however, you can view, generate, send, receive and monitor the document exchange within one system.
When a document is returned, the CSR will have the tools to validate the document ensuring that elements of compliancy are met. Once the necessary pieces of the document are validated, accountability also has a place in the process. If for some reason there is a missing element from the document, it can easily be sent back to the referral within TIMS to complete the appropriate validation measures.
TIMS Document Management streamlines your office while ensuring your patient, physician or insurance documentation is ready at a moment's notice.
Last modified May 17, 2021.