Is improper documentation keeping you from collecting revenue that is owed to you? Do you suspect industry peers are experiencing higher profitability by reducing denials and compliance audits by managing their patient documents more effectively?...
We're a completely customizable solution with a dedicated team of software developers in-house. That means we can work together to make sure our system fits your HME/DME business like a (surgical) glove... even if you run things a little differently from others in the industry. Our users aren't confined to a cookie-cutter approach!
Is improper documentation keeping you from collecting revenue that is owed to you? Do you suspect industry peers are experiencing higher profitability by reducing denials and compliance audits by managing their patient documents more effectively?...
In a world without digital patient intake, customer service representatives (CSRs) would find themselves stuck in the mud. With paper copies, filing, faxing and writing-up documents, the amount of paperwork one would have to deal with would be...
When processing clinical documentation, an abundance of paperwork is a sign of a long day and potential headaches. The longer you spend on paper documents, the longer it takes to earn a profit. In addition, services to patients may be prolonged if...
The number of sources that captivate our immediate need to be in the know has submerged us in an overwhelming amount of data. Most every book, article and journal known to creation is online. Knowledge is forever good in my book, but what about...
There isn’t enough time in the day to address each task and tedious obligation in your business. It requires strict discipline and attention to detail to maintain an orderly schedule. Cute kitten calendars are often filled up with endless notes and...